Is Da Nang truly the IT city for Digital Nomads?
Is the hype of Da Nang for Digital Nomads true? All you need to know to decide whether this is the city for you or not plus a list of things to do around the area.
Is the hype of Da Nang for Digital Nomads true? All you need to know to decide whether this is the city for you or not plus a list of things to do around the area.
I was lucky to spend enough time around the Ninh Binh province to do both, but if you happen to be in Vietnam for limited time and are unsure whether to take the Trang An or Tam Coc boat ride, here’s what you should consider.
Stuff you can’t forget if you go on a long trip. This checklist for Digital Nomads includes from medications, travel insurance to other things you may not think about.
Seriously don’t just quit your job and abandon your beautifully decorated apartment to become digital nomad. Not until you read this.
Slowmads explore the world with a different perspective. Forget the photo of a piña colada with a laptop by the sea.
Step by step here’s how I became a digital nomad and some tips for you to become one too if you want!